Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Ten things I love about British people

Have you ever met a British person? If not, I highly suggest you do. They are wonderful. Everything about them, here is the ten things that I happen to love about them...

1.The way British boys say 'darling' :)

2. The way they call umbrellas 'brolly'

3. Their music (Ed Sheeran, The Beatles, The Cure, Amy Winehouse, Adele, etc...) all the good singers/bands come from the UK it seems...

4. the fact that...THEY (J.K. Rowling) GAVE US HARRY POTTER!

5. They have bright red telephone awesome is that? Especially compared to the ones in America. Just think, if we had cool red phone booths we could have a cute, romantic scene like the one below. Just look at the difference..I mean honestly. Which one would you rather talk on a phone in?!

6. The way they call the bathroom 'loo' 

7. The way they graduate high school at age 16, then go on to start college, then go on to university. (I think that is correct.)

8. The way they still have royalty. I don't know about you, but I watched the royal wedding. Will and Kate are my favorite British couple! It was beautiful! Not to mention, The Queen of England is just adorable. (Fun fact: her favorite color is yellow!)

9. The fact that they have a famous clock. That just speaks volumes about a country and it's people! Who else has a gigantic clock named Big Ben?!

10. I love their politeness to everyone. This is what someone had to say about the manners over there.
"Brits are known for their politeness, self-discipline and especially for their sense of humor. It’s very common to say (please, thank you and excuse me) to someone else at any caution or to greet people that you know or don’t know. It can be by saying “Hello”, “Hi” or “Good morning” because it seems rude if you don’t greet or just not are being polite. It is also expected to address other people as “sir”, “mr/mrs” and “madame”."
People always talk about 'southern hospitality'. Whatever happened to appreciating 'British hospitality'?!

So there you have it, British people are just amazing. :) I am going to be rooting for Great Britain in the 2012 Olympics (which happen to be in London!).

 much love,

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