Monday, September 12, 2011

How to fix a bad day.

Have you ever had one of those weeks/days/months? I have. I am having one of them at the moment. Not to mention last week just one 'one of those weeks.' It's funny, you always ask someone what's wrong and they say, "Oh, just one of those days." But they never actually tell you what's wrong. Well, sometimes. Well, everyone has their own way of cheering themselves up. I am just going to share a few of mine. 

1. Blast the song Mr. Brightside by The Killers. This song is just an angry, loud, fast beat song. It makes you feel better. Not too mention dancing it out can help you feel better. 

2. Going for a run. Or just exercising. This releases endorphins that make you happy! It's good to get your blood pumping and your heart beating a little faster. Plus it is good if you have a lot on your mind. If you're mad or sad, just run it off. You might think it doesn't work, but it honestly does. You might be surprised.

3. Watching your favorite movie. In my case I have a few movies I will watch depending on the reason I am feeling upset or angry or whatever. The Holiday, Mamma Mia, 27 Dresses, Morning Glory, Sweet Home Alabama and While You Were Sleeping. All VERY good movies.  You are guaranteed to feel better once you watch a movie you  practically have memorized. Plus, you can see that there is a solution to every problem no matter how hard it is! 

4. Listen to your favorite singer/band. For me it's Michael BublĂ©, Take That, Ed Sheeran, Tom Felton and Adele.Their songs always pull me out of a bad mood. It's weird how music can fix that. 

5. Watch Grey's Anatomy. This ALWAYS works for me. I swear, watching that show solves all your problems. End of story. :)

6. Eat your feelings. Sounds unhealthy I know. But if you eat healthy it can improve your health, and your energy, which will then lead to a better mood! Even if it's not healthy sometimes eating just helps. I recommend ice cream. :)

7. Write it out. Just write. Write in a journal, write a story, write random thoughts. Just WRITE. It helps to just get the thoughts out of your head, no matter what they are.

that's all that comes to mind right now. Try some of these, you'll be surprised at how well they work.

much love,

(^ that's Ed Sheeran, British singer/songwriter. He is amazing!)

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