Wednesday, September 14, 2011


What is it about rain? I just LOVE rain. :)  That is one thing I will definitely miss about Kentucky when I leave here. We have the best summer storms. I love the way after it rains/storms that you can see the mist rising off the road. And it smells so fresh and new after it rains. I love the smell of wet earth, it's like a new beginning. When it storms I love to just sit and watch the lightning streak across the black sky. I love to listen to the rain pitter-pattering on the roof and watch as it changes from a light rain to a downpour. You know the SAD (seasonal affective disorder)? I am pretty sure I have the opposite of that. Don't get me wrong, I like sunny days, but I just LOVE rainy days. I go out and run in the rain, or I dance. And after that, I just grab a book and curl up with a blanket. Or I watch a movie. There is just something cozy about rainy days. Not to mention, you get to wear RAINBOOTS!!!! It's pretty much the only time you can wear them. I love rain boots. You get to go splash in the puddles and you can use an umbrella. The coolest umbrellas are the clear ones. You can stay dry..and still enjoy the beauty of a rainy day. Rain is romantic. Think about it, the cutest scene in the history of movies is the kiss scene in The Notebook. Rain is amazing. Everyone should love rain! Just enjoy the earth's natural water falling from the skies. It makes your hair soft. :)
much love,

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