Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Fall brings Grey's!

One good thing about the fall? Seeing the cast of one the best shows of all time hitting the screen again! (That's Grey's Anatomy!) I have been counting down the days to it with my friends Molly and Caitlin. currently we are at 15 days until the big 2 hour season premiere! :) 
 "Time flies. Time waits for no man. Time heals all wounds. All any of us wants is more time. Time to stand up. Time to grow up. Time to let go. Time."
Those are the wise words of our favorite doctor, Meredith Grey (Shepard).

Is anybody else excited about this? I have a feeling that it is going to be a suspenseful two hours. The big question we all want to know is...WILL DEREK COME BACK?! All I'm saying is he better. How could he just leave Meredith there alone with the baby? Right after they got married too. yes, she lied, but Derek's job as her husband it to forgive her and help her through the tough times! She is only human! 
According to magazines and websites, etc., this is Patrick Dempsey's last season of the show. We all know what this means...he will either die, or leave Meredith. Personally, I'd rather him just die! I don't think I could stand it if he left her after all they went through to be together. It would break my heart, and not to mention hers, and millions of other crazy Grey's fans. So everybody cross your fingers. September 22 we will find out! :) (I would also like to point out that September 22 also happens to be the best actor in the worlds 24th birthday...Tom Felton!)

Isn't he a cutie? I just adore him. <3 
Much love, 

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