Thursday, September 8, 2011

In remembrance of 9/11

      Today in school we had the amazing opportunity to view a piece of the World Trade Center. Louisville is one of the few cities that is lucky to have a piece of the actual building. We got to go up and touch it. It was so amazing to think that we were touching a piece of America's most tragic moment. It was sad to think about where that piece of metal had come from and what it represented.
 Right before that my class watched a short tribute to Welles Crowther, the man in the red bandanna. He is a man who died to save people stuck on the 78th floor of the South Tower. In honor of him, people wear red bandannas on 9/11.
      ^ That is the link to the video if you want to watch it! It is very touching. I was only 6 at the time that 9/11 happened. The ten year anniversary is coming up this Sunday. As I think back and all I can really remember is hearing that some buildings were hit and then collapsed. I had no idea what really happened. Now that I'm older I am able to see videos of it actually happening and hear stories of tragedy and stories of heroic acts. It amazes me that we were able to get past that. It is such a huge part of our history and who we are now. It makes me wonder what will happen when we are all grown up and gone. What will the next generations do about it when there are no survivors left to talk about it? :( We should always keep the 3,000 innocent Americans who died in our memories. They deserve to be remembered in honor. 
     Sometimes I wonder what it would be like to actually be around when the towers fell. I know it was very traumatizing and not something to forget. I just couldn't imagine witnessing something like that. Someday I would like to go and visit ground zero. I know this is sort of just random thoughts, but as 9/11  is in three days I  am keeping all those lost ones and their families in my thoughts. Ten years is a long time and it must still be hard for people to talk about. Remember all the firefighters, police, medics and other people who gave their lives to help others live. They were great people spending their last hours selflessly. It makes me wonder...if you knew you only had an hour left to live, what would you do? 

much love,

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