Monday, September 26, 2011

Running is a Religion

Ever since I have started running, I CAN'T STOP! It's like an addiction. Once you start, you can't stop. Which is weird considering how terrible it is. I mean you are willingly putting yourself through about thirty minutes (maybe more or less depending on the person) of pain. I mean honestly running is painful. So painful. Your legs are always sore the next day, your legs hurt while you do it, you can't breathe. So why can't I stop?? Well, I did a bit of research to find out the benefits that come from running. Here is the link ( I'll just sum it up though. Basically running reduces stress, anxiety, it helps you sleep better, it can counteract depression, it helps you lose weight, in increases your cardiovascular health, etc. Doesn't this make you want to run? Look at all the great things that come out of it. Plus you can just sort of take that time to think. Which sounds dumb, you can think no matter what. But when you're running it just puts everything into perspective. Plus, you get to enjoy nature! :) It's so lovely to just sort of be one with it. I highly recommend running, especially if you are in school or working for long hours. It's a great way to release all that pent up energy. If you don't run, you should. Nothing bad can come from it. :)

Much love,

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