Monday, September 26, 2011

Running is a Religion

Ever since I have started running, I CAN'T STOP! It's like an addiction. Once you start, you can't stop. Which is weird considering how terrible it is. I mean you are willingly putting yourself through about thirty minutes (maybe more or less depending on the person) of pain. I mean honestly running is painful. So painful. Your legs are always sore the next day, your legs hurt while you do it, you can't breathe. So why can't I stop?? Well, I did a bit of research to find out the benefits that come from running. Here is the link ( I'll just sum it up though. Basically running reduces stress, anxiety, it helps you sleep better, it can counteract depression, it helps you lose weight, in increases your cardiovascular health, etc. Doesn't this make you want to run? Look at all the great things that come out of it. Plus you can just sort of take that time to think. Which sounds dumb, you can think no matter what. But when you're running it just puts everything into perspective. Plus, you get to enjoy nature! :) It's so lovely to just sort of be one with it. I highly recommend running, especially if you are in school or working for long hours. It's a great way to release all that pent up energy. If you don't run, you should. Nothing bad can come from it. :)

Much love,

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Fall is here!

Fall is FINALLY here! :) The air is crisp and cool, the leaves are turning orange, red, and yellow. You walk outside and you can smell the fresh, clean air and feel the wind whipping your hair around your face. After it rains you can smell the freshly wet earth. You can leave all your windows open in your house, it is just a great time. 
There is bonfires, 

Friday night football games, 
jumping in leaf piles, 
being able to go jogging with a jacket on, 
 What a lovely time! 

much love,

Wednesday, September 14, 2011


What is it about rain? I just LOVE rain. :)  That is one thing I will definitely miss about Kentucky when I leave here. We have the best summer storms. I love the way after it rains/storms that you can see the mist rising off the road. And it smells so fresh and new after it rains. I love the smell of wet earth, it's like a new beginning. When it storms I love to just sit and watch the lightning streak across the black sky. I love to listen to the rain pitter-pattering on the roof and watch as it changes from a light rain to a downpour. You know the SAD (seasonal affective disorder)? I am pretty sure I have the opposite of that. Don't get me wrong, I like sunny days, but I just LOVE rainy days. I go out and run in the rain, or I dance. And after that, I just grab a book and curl up with a blanket. Or I watch a movie. There is just something cozy about rainy days. Not to mention, you get to wear RAINBOOTS!!!! It's pretty much the only time you can wear them. I love rain boots. You get to go splash in the puddles and you can use an umbrella. The coolest umbrellas are the clear ones. You can stay dry..and still enjoy the beauty of a rainy day. Rain is romantic. Think about it, the cutest scene in the history of movies is the kiss scene in The Notebook. Rain is amazing. Everyone should love rain! Just enjoy the earth's natural water falling from the skies. It makes your hair soft. :)
much love,

Monday, September 12, 2011

How to fix a bad day.

Have you ever had one of those weeks/days/months? I have. I am having one of them at the moment. Not to mention last week just one 'one of those weeks.' It's funny, you always ask someone what's wrong and they say, "Oh, just one of those days." But they never actually tell you what's wrong. Well, sometimes. Well, everyone has their own way of cheering themselves up. I am just going to share a few of mine. 

1. Blast the song Mr. Brightside by The Killers. This song is just an angry, loud, fast beat song. It makes you feel better. Not too mention dancing it out can help you feel better. 

2. Going for a run. Or just exercising. This releases endorphins that make you happy! It's good to get your blood pumping and your heart beating a little faster. Plus it is good if you have a lot on your mind. If you're mad or sad, just run it off. You might think it doesn't work, but it honestly does. You might be surprised.

3. Watching your favorite movie. In my case I have a few movies I will watch depending on the reason I am feeling upset or angry or whatever. The Holiday, Mamma Mia, 27 Dresses, Morning Glory, Sweet Home Alabama and While You Were Sleeping. All VERY good movies.  You are guaranteed to feel better once you watch a movie you  practically have memorized. Plus, you can see that there is a solution to every problem no matter how hard it is! 

4. Listen to your favorite singer/band. For me it's Michael BublĂ©, Take That, Ed Sheeran, Tom Felton and Adele.Their songs always pull me out of a bad mood. It's weird how music can fix that. 

5. Watch Grey's Anatomy. This ALWAYS works for me. I swear, watching that show solves all your problems. End of story. :)

6. Eat your feelings. Sounds unhealthy I know. But if you eat healthy it can improve your health, and your energy, which will then lead to a better mood! Even if it's not healthy sometimes eating just helps. I recommend ice cream. :)

7. Write it out. Just write. Write in a journal, write a story, write random thoughts. Just WRITE. It helps to just get the thoughts out of your head, no matter what they are.

that's all that comes to mind right now. Try some of these, you'll be surprised at how well they work.

much love,

(^ that's Ed Sheeran, British singer/songwriter. He is amazing!)

Thursday, September 8, 2011

In remembrance of 9/11

      Today in school we had the amazing opportunity to view a piece of the World Trade Center. Louisville is one of the few cities that is lucky to have a piece of the actual building. We got to go up and touch it. It was so amazing to think that we were touching a piece of America's most tragic moment. It was sad to think about where that piece of metal had come from and what it represented.
 Right before that my class watched a short tribute to Welles Crowther, the man in the red bandanna. He is a man who died to save people stuck on the 78th floor of the South Tower. In honor of him, people wear red bandannas on 9/11.
      ^ That is the link to the video if you want to watch it! It is very touching. I was only 6 at the time that 9/11 happened. The ten year anniversary is coming up this Sunday. As I think back and all I can really remember is hearing that some buildings were hit and then collapsed. I had no idea what really happened. Now that I'm older I am able to see videos of it actually happening and hear stories of tragedy and stories of heroic acts. It amazes me that we were able to get past that. It is such a huge part of our history and who we are now. It makes me wonder what will happen when we are all grown up and gone. What will the next generations do about it when there are no survivors left to talk about it? :( We should always keep the 3,000 innocent Americans who died in our memories. They deserve to be remembered in honor. 
     Sometimes I wonder what it would be like to actually be around when the towers fell. I know it was very traumatizing and not something to forget. I just couldn't imagine witnessing something like that. Someday I would like to go and visit ground zero. I know this is sort of just random thoughts, but as 9/11  is in three days I  am keeping all those lost ones and their families in my thoughts. Ten years is a long time and it must still be hard for people to talk about. Remember all the firefighters, police, medics and other people who gave their lives to help others live. They were great people spending their last hours selflessly. It makes me wonder...if you knew you only had an hour left to live, what would you do? 

much love,

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Ten things I love about British people

Have you ever met a British person? If not, I highly suggest you do. They are wonderful. Everything about them, here is the ten things that I happen to love about them...

1.The way British boys say 'darling' :)

2. The way they call umbrellas 'brolly'

3. Their music (Ed Sheeran, The Beatles, The Cure, Amy Winehouse, Adele, etc...) all the good singers/bands come from the UK it seems...

4. the fact that...THEY (J.K. Rowling) GAVE US HARRY POTTER!

5. They have bright red telephone awesome is that? Especially compared to the ones in America. Just think, if we had cool red phone booths we could have a cute, romantic scene like the one below. Just look at the difference..I mean honestly. Which one would you rather talk on a phone in?!

6. The way they call the bathroom 'loo' 

7. The way they graduate high school at age 16, then go on to start college, then go on to university. (I think that is correct.)

8. The way they still have royalty. I don't know about you, but I watched the royal wedding. Will and Kate are my favorite British couple! It was beautiful! Not to mention, The Queen of England is just adorable. (Fun fact: her favorite color is yellow!)

9. The fact that they have a famous clock. That just speaks volumes about a country and it's people! Who else has a gigantic clock named Big Ben?!

10. I love their politeness to everyone. This is what someone had to say about the manners over there.
"Brits are known for their politeness, self-discipline and especially for their sense of humor. It’s very common to say (please, thank you and excuse me) to someone else at any caution or to greet people that you know or don’t know. It can be by saying “Hello”, “Hi” or “Good morning” because it seems rude if you don’t greet or just not are being polite. It is also expected to address other people as “sir”, “mr/mrs” and “madame”."
People always talk about 'southern hospitality'. Whatever happened to appreciating 'British hospitality'?!

So there you have it, British people are just amazing. :) I am going to be rooting for Great Britain in the 2012 Olympics (which happen to be in London!).

 much love,

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Fall brings Grey's!

One good thing about the fall? Seeing the cast of one the best shows of all time hitting the screen again! (That's Grey's Anatomy!) I have been counting down the days to it with my friends Molly and Caitlin. currently we are at 15 days until the big 2 hour season premiere! :) 
 "Time flies. Time waits for no man. Time heals all wounds. All any of us wants is more time. Time to stand up. Time to grow up. Time to let go. Time."
Those are the wise words of our favorite doctor, Meredith Grey (Shepard).

Is anybody else excited about this? I have a feeling that it is going to be a suspenseful two hours. The big question we all want to know is...WILL DEREK COME BACK?! All I'm saying is he better. How could he just leave Meredith there alone with the baby? Right after they got married too. yes, she lied, but Derek's job as her husband it to forgive her and help her through the tough times! She is only human! 
According to magazines and websites, etc., this is Patrick Dempsey's last season of the show. We all know what this means...he will either die, or leave Meredith. Personally, I'd rather him just die! I don't think I could stand it if he left her after all they went through to be together. It would break my heart, and not to mention hers, and millions of other crazy Grey's fans. So everybody cross your fingers. September 22 we will find out! :) (I would also like to point out that September 22 also happens to be the best actor in the worlds 24th birthday...Tom Felton!)

Isn't he a cutie? I just adore him. <3 
Much love, 