Saturday, January 21, 2012

Music is good for the soul

You know what the best thing is about music? The fact there is a song for every situation you find yourself in. It's kind of amazing really. You can find music about anything. I have heard a song about reading with a pickle. That's how diverse it is. Lately I've been hooked on a British band, Take That. They are AMAZING. One of the things that is a trait I like in singers is their background story. You know, how they got into the business, why they got into it. Take That has an amazing story. They have come so far, and they really put their all into their music. It's really amazing. Not only do they put on these amazingly entertaining concerts for their fans but they write all of their music. They put all their emotions into these beautiful songs and the end result is sweet music. Check them out for yourself!

much love,
^one of the coolest music videos ever!

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