Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Man's Best Friend

(^my dog, Sam Wise Gamgee, rightfully named after Frodo's best friend in Lord of the Rings)

You always hear people say "dogs are man's best friend." You never fully realize how true that statement is until you experience the joy of having a dog. A lot of people don't believe that pets and owners can have a true 'relationship'. According to studies made by British author and biologist, Rupert Sheldrake, there is a telepathic type relationship that occurs between a pet and it's owner (he focused his study on dogs in particular). 
"The highlight of his study is the anticipatory behavior that indicates dogs know when their owners are about to return home, often by 10 to 30 minutes.  This telepathy occurs because of the close bond, an emotional connection, even an emotional need, that binds the sender and receiver. And I would conclude that the role of sender or receiver fluctuates back and forth between owner and animal: a telepathic receiver one time, a telepathic sender the next.   "

There have been remarkable stories about dogs who have saved their owners life. But there are also little stories you hear about someone who was sad and their dog was simply there for them. It's pretty amazing to see all the studies that have been conducted on the relationship between humans and their dogs. It's amazing to think that when you're really having a tough time or you're in danger you have your best friend with you to protect you. Treat your dogs right because someday it may save your life! Dogs are amazing animals, don't underestimate them. They have a special intuition when it comes to the people they love.

much love,

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