Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Loving Life

As humans our emotions are pretty crazy. We have good days, we have bad days. That's just the way it is. But lately, life has been good! Do you ever have that feeling where you are just content with life? It's a good feeling. It's like you look around and you just think, "Wow. What a beautiful world." Every little thing seems amazing to you. The way snow feels as it gently floats down from the sky, leaving cold spots on your face. The bright green grass and the feel of the wind as it whips your hair around. When you're with your friends you just think to yourself, "I am so lucky to have good friends." Sometimes you find yourself laughing a little louder than you used to. It's a wonderful feeling, loving life, and the only person who can make that happen, is you. You need to take time to realize that the little things in life really are the greatest joys. You shouldn't be dependent on anyone to make you happy, it's all up to you. So why sit around being miserable and mopey when you can be out there having the time of your life?!

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