Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Lessons Learned

Sometimes you have to put yourself first. In order to help other people become their best selves, you must first be happy. One of the most important lessons I’ve learned is that you have to learn how to be happy by yourself. You can’t go through life counting on other people to make you happy. You won’t ever truly be happy that way. I hate to break this to you, but people aren’t perfect, and they’ll disappoint you. First and foremost in your life should be the Savior. If you keep your life centered on Him and the love He has for everyone, you’ll find yourself happier than you could ever imagine.

In the past few months I’ve found myself on the long and exciting road to happiness. I’ve been searching and praying and trying so hard to find it. I had an empty feeling in me, and a sadness that I couldn’t quite pinpoint. I knew that I should be happy, and I tried my best everyday to be happy, but it wasn’t until a few weeks ago that I realized what I was missing. I needed a more positive outlook on life, and I needed help to get it. I ended up doing the exact thing I should have done at the beginning of my journey; turn to my Father in Heaven. I prayed every day that He would help me to see things through a brighter lens and find “joy in the journey”.

It was amazing to me how instant my results were, as soon as I had asked my Heavenly Father for help with something specific, I noticed a huge change in my life. Nothing had really changed except for me. I still had the same life, the same problems, and the same trials, but I began to see everything as a blessing to me. I realized all of the wonderful lessons I had learned through my trials, and I began to see how much I had grown and evolved.

As I began to see my life in this cheery light, I couldn’t contain the love I have for my Heavenly Father. Where I’d once felt bitter and confused, I now felt happy and I understood why I had been put through certain things. My heart was so full I thought my chest was going to burst. I didn’t even know how to begin thanking Him for everything He’d done for me. I realized that even though at times I’d been in potentially dangerous situations, He had guided me out and kept me safe. Some trials I went through and came out knowing how to connect and empathize better with people than I could before. My heart was softened and I was able to see past all of the bad and the hurt I’d been through and truly be thankful for it. I even found myself able to let go of things that I’d been holding onto for so long.

I worked hard everyday to make sure I was praying and reading my scriptures and looking for the good instead of the bad. It was amazing to me what happened when I kept my life centered on Christ. I felt like the Grinch did the day his heart grew 3 sizes bigger than it used to be. I felt so much love for everyone around me and I could see them as beautiful, special children of God.

I am so thankful for all the bumps along my road, each one has shaped me into the person I am today. I know, now more than ever, that we are truly never alone. Our Heavenly Father and our Savior are with us every step of the way. They hold our hand and listen when we need it, and they intervene if they need to. They know us better than anyone, and they know what lessons we need to learn in order to live a happier life and bring more joy to people. I know that becoming a happy person might be hard, it hurts to grow, but the end result is so worth it. We are able to reach our potential and become a person we never imagined we could be. Take time to look around you and recognize all that God has provided you with, put on your happy glasses and see things in a more positive way. You won’t regret any of it, and someday you will be able to look back and say, “I did it. I really did it.” Life is too short too waste any second being anything but happy; drink in the small moments that define who you are, they are precious learning moments from above, don’t waste them.

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