Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Forgiveness is Divine

I think it’s safe to say we’ve all heard that cheesy saying, “To forgive is to set a prisoner free and realize the prisoner was you.” The first time this little meme popped up on my timeline I didn’t think too much of it. But the more I thought about it, the more I realized how true it is. When you aren’t forgiving, you’re grudging (Yes I just made that word up). Which is not a healthy thing to do. If anyone can hold a grudge, it’s this girl. However, something I’ve learned in the past few years is that sometimes you have to just let it go.
I know, you’re probably thinking, “This chick’s crazy. I can’t let that go. They hurt me.” Well, you don’t have to take my advice, but it’s dang good advice. (I can’t take all the credit; most of it came from general conference talks) So, here’s my advice: learn to accept an apology you may never get, and when someone does apologize, accept it, and mean it.
One of the worst things in the whole entire world is when someone tells you that you’re forgiven, and they don’t mean it! You think everything is fine and dandy, then BOOM, you hear they’re still talking about how mad it made them. If you’re going to give someone forgiveness, truly give it to them. You need to forgive them with your whole heart, not just half of it.
Think about it like this, what if our Savior, who paid the price for our sins so that we could be forgiven, didn’t forgive us? What if he gossiped about it, and held onto it until he thought we’d suffered a sufficient amount before finally forgiving us? That would be terrible, absolutely and undeniably terrible. That’s not how it works.
 Forgiveness is a process, it’s more than uttering the words, “I’m sorry.” It takes effort. When you want someone to forgive you, you need to show that person how truly sorry you are. You need to prove that you can change, and try your best not to hurt them like you did before. When they are able to see that you are truly repentant, it will be much easier for them to forgive you.
Now, there is always that rare case where you’ve offended someone who is so immature and unable to look past it that they are angry forever. In that case, tell them they suck and move on with your life. Just kidding. In this case, as hard as it may be, you need to love them, and keep showing them you are sorry. If they still don’t forgive you, that’s their own problem, and you really will just have to move on with your life.  It happens.
Here’s another thing to remember: most of the time people hurt us on accident. They didn’t do it on purpose; they didn’t do it because they’re evil. Honestly, 8/10 times, they did it because they love us. Sometimes when the people who love us try to help us, they end up hurting us. That’s a very important thing to remember when you are angry with someone. Try putting yourself in their situation. Try imagining what they were thinking and feeling and why they did what they did. I guarantee that you will be a lot more forgiving when you do that.
Plus, let’s remember, you’re not so innocent yourself. How many times have you hurt someone’s feelings? Everybody does it. We’re all just a bunch of imperfect humans running around trying our best not to screw everything up. Which is humorous because usually by doing that we screw things up. But hey, that’s the beauty of earth life. We break things and then get the chance to fix them again.
Sometimes, in the most unfortunate of cases, we are hurt so deeply we might think we’ll never be whole again. We curse the person who hurt us, and swear to everything that we will never forgive them because gosh dang it, what they did was despicable and they don’t deserve to be forgiven. Well, newsflash, that’s wrong. Trust me, I know what it’s like to feel that way. There are some messed up people in this world, and they do some pretty terrible things. They leave scars that may take years to heal. It’s not your place to punish them. We don’t have that right. Jesus Christ forgives everyone, and He loves everyone. There isn’t one soul that has ever lived that he doesn’t love. Remember all of the stories and parables in the Bible? When have you ever heard of Christ not forgiving someone?

We need to find it in us to forgive and forget every terrible thing that someone has done to us. You’ll be happier, they’ll be happier, and your Savior will be so proud of you for taking one more step in the direction of becoming more like Him. That’s why we’re here, we came to this earth with the goal of returning back to our Father in Heaven and becoming as Christlike as possible while we’re on earth. We didn’t come to do anything else. That is the big picture. If you focus on that, you’ll find it easier each day to love, and serve, and find peace in doing those things. Nothing will bring you greater happiness and fulfillment than knowing you gave someone peace of mind. So please, take my advice and forgive people. It’s the least you could do.  Don’t let yourself be a prisoner in your own life.
Much love,

Check out this fabulous talk by President Uchtdorf:

Sunday, February 2, 2014

The Fairytale Life

Taylor Swift may get a lot of crap for her relationships and all the songs she sings about them, but if you listen closely, you’ll find a lot of truth in her songs. One of my favorite lines from her newest album is, “Love is a ruthless game, unless you play it good and right.” Oh, how terribly true that statement is. Love is like a game of Russian roulette. You take a shot and hope you don’t die because of it.
Here’s the thing, we all think that our life is going to be a fairytale, that the man of our dreams will come up to our door and tell us they are madly in love with us and can’t stop thinking about us and plant a big smooch right on us that will take our breath away. Of course, there is always that 1% of the population who does get that romantic and happy ending. But for the rest of us, it’s not that easy. We go through rejection after rejection, not knowing what we did wrong. It’s the worst. Especially when a guy tells you they like you, and then decides to suddenly change his mind. There is nothing more confusing.
How many countless hours do we spend listening to Taylor Swift and eating ice cream just hoping and praying that they’ll see the light and realize how they feel about us? The sad truth is, they just might not like us the way we wish they would. I believe there is someone out there for everyone, but more often than not, it comes in a way completely unexpected. We have all these unreal expectations from all the romance novels we’ve read and romantic comedies we’ve watched. In the end, what it comes down to is that we just want someone to love us.
Every girl is the same when you get rid of all the surface stuff. We just want someone to notice how unique and beautiful we are. Is that so much to ask for? So many people make fun of Taylor Swift for her songs about her countless failed relationships, but here’s the thing, Taylor Swift knows, man. She writes about real stuff. If you’ve felt it, she’s got a song about it. And let me tell you what, it is much better to put yourself out there and to get your heart broken over and over again than to never take a chance. Yes, it may hurt, but at least you’re trying, and with every broken heart you are able to come back stronger, and learn from mistakes and learn what you like and want in a person. And even more important, you are learning about yourself.
Something that most people don’t realize is that you can be happy all by yourself. You will never really be happy with someone if you aren’t happy by yourself first. You have to realize that it may be a very long time before someone comes into your life to stay forever. Instead of moping around and being sad about it, take that time to start developing all the qualities that you would want in a significant other. If you focus on becoming the best you that you can possibly be, eventually, when the time is right, a wonderful man will walk into your life and make you so incredibly happy you’ll wonder if your life is a sappy romance movie.
In the meantime though, you might have to be a little lonely and unhappy. You might have to deal with being “just friends” with the person you like a lot. Sometimes it’s not the right timing, and that’s okay. Patience is a virtue, and in the end it really pays off to wait for what you really want instead of settling for something crappy because you didn’t want to wait. It’s like Mother Gothel said in Tangled, “All good things to those who wait.” Even though she was evil, she was right when she said that. Take it to heart. Keep your chin up, things will all work out in the end and you’ll find yourself looking back at this time in your life and laughing about how distraught you were over all of this. Life is a crazy ride, learn to enjoy it while you can.