Wednesday, April 2, 2014

"I Know That My Redeemer Lives"

I am so thankful that I have been able to build a relationship with my Savior. He is my nearest and dearest friend. I know, without a doubt, that He is always there for me. He cries with me, laughs with me, listens to me, and most of all, He loves me. He has a never-ending supply of love for me. I know that I can turn to Him with any problem that I am facing and He will comfort me and help me through it. 

He knows, better than anyone, exactly what I am feeling and what I am going through. He felt it all for me so that when I came to earth He would be able to comfort me when I stand in need of comfort and mourn with me in times of sorrow. He truly is my kind, wise, Heavenly friend. He will never fail me. When everything else fails, He is there. He is rooting for me. He is on my side, and He will NEVER give up on me. 

My Savior is my best friend, and He can be everyone’s best friend. He is just waiting for the day when we all return home to Him and He is finally able to greet us with a huge hug. No matter how far we try to stray from our Savior, He is always right beside us, waiting for us to turn to Him and accept His helping hand. Christ wants us to trust Him, and to talk to Him. 

I know for a fact that Jesus Christ is the Savior of this world. I know that He died on the cross for every single person who will ever live, and I know that He suffered for every single one of our sorrows and sins. He knows how it feels when we fail a test, He knows how it feels when we get rejected, He knows how it feels when a family member dies, and He knows how it feels to be lonely. 

He suffered so that He could comfort us in our darkest days. And He yearns for us to understand that this is only a small moment in our lives. There are brighter times ahead, and He knows that. Christ knows that things will get better, and He can’t wait to celebrate those times with us. What an amazing thing our Savior did for us. I am infinitely grateful for His sacrifice and everything He does for me daily. We weren’t made to go through this life alone, so don’t try. Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ are there, and they want to help us. So don’t be afraid to reach out your hand, they will never let you down.