Friday, January 31, 2014

The Greatest Gift

Life is hard. Anybody who tells you it's not, is a big fat liar. While we're here on earth, we go through all kinds of trials. It's all part of the plan, our Heavenly Father created us and sent us here so that we could experience life. He sent us here so we could feel, and make mistakes, and get the chance to pick ourselves back up. Sometimes we have to fall so hard, that we can't rely on anyone else but our Savior and Heavenly Father to pick us back up and dust us off. It's not uncommon to hear people complaining about how hard life is, or how unhappy they are because certain things aren't how they want them to be, or what they expected. Well, newsflash: Nothing ever turns out they way you want it to. It is so much better. The funny thing is, we think we know best. We run around doing what we think is best for us, and for the people around us. Here's the kicker though, we don't always know what's best for us. Sometimes unexpected things happen to us and we think, "Why me? What did I do to deserve this?" But we have to look back and remember that Heavenly Father gives us these trials because He knows best. He knows what we need in our life, and He knows what we need to improve. It's easy to get angry and give up because sometimes the trials he gives us are just too hard. But we can't give up, that's what our dear friend, Satan wants us to do. I know from personal experience that he will literally go to any lengths to get us to give up and be miserable like him. But we have to fight that. Choose to be happy. Don't focus on what's bad in your life. I've learned that when you do that it only makes things worse. There are a lot more things good in life, than bad. So what if the guy you like doesn't like you back? Yeah, it hurts, but you don't need him to be happy. So what if your friends are being mean? Kill them with kindness. Christ loved everyone. Even the people who spit on Him, hated Him, and put a crown of thorns on His head. He loved every single one of those people. The only thing you need in life to truly be happy is the love of the Savior. Know that He loves you, more than anyone in the entire world. That knowledge alone should make you the happiest person in the world. Focus on that, and every little stupid (or maybe not so stupid) problem will seem a lot less pressing and a lot easier to tackle. There is a lot about life to love, even when you think your life sucks, and it couldn't possibly get any worse. Just remember your Savior who died for you, who felt everything you're feeling, and I promise you will be a lot happier. 

Much love,