Sunday, February 10, 2013

The Valentine's Day blues

Ahhh, Valentine's Day. The holiday filled with romantic gestures, lots of chocolate and in my case, a table for 1. I like to think that usually I am pretty okay with being single, I've got enough going on in my life to keep busy. It also helps that I'm mentally dating a few celebrities. (Currently,  Leonardo DiCaprio and I are together, he is just so dreamy.)

Now, like I said, for the most part I'm okay with being single. But I have to admit, when Valentine's Day rolls around I am definitely not okay with it. Is it so wrong to want someone to buy me chocolates and a cute little stuffed animal? I want someone to take me out to dinner and do something sweet for me. But, alas, it's just me this Valentine's Day. So, instead of getting taken out to a fancy dinner,  I will be curled up at home, with the chocolates I bought myself, watching The Notebook and the movie Valentine's Day.
What are you doing this Valentine's Day? Anything exciting?
Cheers to love.
Much love,