Sunday, January 6, 2013

Food, glorious food!

Today is Fast Sunday, and we have afternoon church, which means that right about now, all I can think  about is FOOD. So, to help me with that, I am going to write about some of my favorite foods.

If there is one food I love, it's pizza. I cannot even begin to describe my love for pizza and all of it's cheesy goodness.

Another food I love is lasagna. (I think there must be some Italian in me or something, because I love Italian food!) 

I have to admit, I know this meal is possibly a death sentence, but I don't care! I love McDonald's fries and their McChicken sandwich. I would probably eat two a day if I hadn't seen Supersize Me.

Oh, food, glorious food! How I miss it in my tummy. Only a few more hours till we are reunited. Until then, I think I'll go get ready for church.
