Sunday, February 10, 2013

The Valentine's Day blues

Ahhh, Valentine's Day. The holiday filled with romantic gestures, lots of chocolate and in my case, a table for 1. I like to think that usually I am pretty okay with being single, I've got enough going on in my life to keep busy. It also helps that I'm mentally dating a few celebrities. (Currently,  Leonardo DiCaprio and I are together, he is just so dreamy.)

Now, like I said, for the most part I'm okay with being single. But I have to admit, when Valentine's Day rolls around I am definitely not okay with it. Is it so wrong to want someone to buy me chocolates and a cute little stuffed animal? I want someone to take me out to dinner and do something sweet for me. But, alas, it's just me this Valentine's Day. So, instead of getting taken out to a fancy dinner,  I will be curled up at home, with the chocolates I bought myself, watching The Notebook and the movie Valentine's Day.
What are you doing this Valentine's Day? Anything exciting?
Cheers to love.
Much love,

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Food, glorious food!

Today is Fast Sunday, and we have afternoon church, which means that right about now, all I can think  about is FOOD. So, to help me with that, I am going to write about some of my favorite foods.

If there is one food I love, it's pizza. I cannot even begin to describe my love for pizza and all of it's cheesy goodness.

Another food I love is lasagna. (I think there must be some Italian in me or something, because I love Italian food!) 

I have to admit, I know this meal is possibly a death sentence, but I don't care! I love McDonald's fries and their McChicken sandwich. I would probably eat two a day if I hadn't seen Supersize Me.

Oh, food, glorious food! How I miss it in my tummy. Only a few more hours till we are reunited. Until then, I think I'll go get ready for church.
