Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Simply beautiful

You know what two words I love put together? Simply beautiful. It seems like such a small little phrase, one wouldn't really think much about it, but yet when you sit and think about it...there is so much more to it! Think about what those words mean alone, simply, a word that implies something is just basic, nothing too special or out of the ordinary. Then you have beautiful, which implies something is unique and pleasing. Put them together and what do you get? (Not bippity-boppity-boo, if that's what you were thinking!!) You get something that is wonderful. When someone describes something as 'simply beautiful' they are saying that its simplicity is what makes it beautiful. It doesn't need to be extravagant or out of this world to be amazing. Sometimes things are beautiful in their natural state. The simple things in life are the good ones. Words never cease to amaze me. It's simply beautiful how we are able to take such simple, beautiful words and string them together to create a wonderful piece of work. Seriously, is it not amazing? Sometimes the smallest words can have the biggest impact. How cool is it that you can create pictures, people, and even whole new worlds with the composition of simple little words. Alone, they may be boring, but together, they can create a masterpiece. 
It is simply wonderful. :)

Much love,

Simple, yet beautiful.