Sunday, September 30, 2012

What Disney taught me

Disney movies are great. They can teach you so much. As children we  loved the stories of princes and princesses living happily ever after, but now as we grow older and watch those movies again you notice something else; the lesson embedded in the movie. As my little brother watched Disney movies frequently it gives me the opportunity to see them again and I have actually learned quite a bit. Disney movies are just so much more meaningful now that you can fully understand and appreciate what the hidden meaning in them is.

1. The Lion King
The Lion King taught me that you should not let your past ruin your future. No matter what happened you can change. Don't ever forget that you have a divine purpose in life and that you are a child of a King. It may not be the King of Pride Rock, but Heavenly Father is a king nonetheless and because of that you are special. 

2. Tangled
Tangled taught me to never be afraid of chasing your dreams. Rapunzel had never been out in the world and seh found the courage to chase her dreams. In the end she learned a lot about life and about finding new dreams after your old ones are gone. (She also taught me to always carry a frying pan, you never know when it will come in handy!)

3. Tarzan
This is one of my absolute favorites. I love the story of Tarzan. This movie teaches you about families and that outward appearance doesn't matter. My favorite part of this movie is when Tarzan's mother, Cala, is showing Tarzan that even though he might look different on the outside, on the inside they are the same. I think it is very important to remember that. Every person has feelings just like you and me, on the inside we are really all the same.

4. Beauty and the Beast
Don't be afraid to be different. It's like Dr. Seuss said, "Why fit in when you were born to stand out?" I really admire Belle and the way she isn't afraid to be who she is. She embraces her uniqueness. And because of the attitude she has she is able to love other people for who they are, not what they look like. 
This movie also taught me that love can change you. Because of the love and kindness Belle showed to the Beast he became a whole new person (literally and figuratively). We need to have that love for people so that they can reach their full potential and love who they are.

5. Enchanted
"True love's kiss is the most powerful thing in the world."
Need I say more? :) True love conquers all. It is a light in a world of darkness. We should all strive to find that.

much love,