Sunday, July 1, 2012

Plain and Simple

Today is one of those days where I am reminded of all that I have. I am so grateful for all the experiences I've gone through, all the people I've met and lessons I've learned. I have met/know so many wonderful people, they always know the right thing to say to me even if it's just an accident. Today, in young women's we had a great lesson. My lovely leader seemed to be talking right to me, even though I know she was talking to everyone. I have been a member of The Church my whole life and the power of the Spirit still amazes me. One person can know what today through it. It's a truly amazing thing. It seems that when you are at your lowest, always, someone comes along and just picks you right back up. Always. I have been down many times, there's been times where I just struggle or I'm feeling sad or angry and someone has always been there telling me what I need to hear. Sometimes it's been someone I hardly know, or even a complete stranger, other times it was a close friend. It always revives me and gets me going again. It's hard to believe there are people out there in life who don't or can't believe in their Heavenly Father for whatever reason. It's sad because they are missing out on so much happiness. So many blessings that they don't recognize. Each day of their life is a gift from above. I'm so glad I have the whole knowledge of these special blessings. It makes life truly enjoyable and wonderful. Everything we have and are was created with love, so much love. It'll do us some good to appreciate that a little bit more. Everything happens for a reason and everyone that comes into your life does so for a reason. Don't be stupid and ignore those reasons, enjoy and learn. That's why we're here. To learn, learn, learn. All we can, while we can.