Tuesday, June 5, 2012

My rant for the week

We could what if and I wish ourselves to death.  But…it is what it is. We all love to play the what if game. What if I had done this instead of this? Well ya know what? STOP. You made your choice, you did what you did, time to move on. Just accept your choices and learn to be happy with them. Quit thinking about what could be and focus on what is. I think you’ll find that you will be a lot happier when you quit worrying about what could happen and deal with what did happen. It is what it is. Don’t fret; it will all work itself out in the end.  Quit waiting around talking about what you wish you could do. Go do it for goodness sake. Don’t be a bump on a log.  Get a move on with your life, you don’t have forever. Take all those chances while you can because they will pass you by and you probably will regret it. Don’t be that person. Quit wishing, quit worrying. Just go do. Enjoy the little moments while you can, they won’t last forever. 

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Sweet Summertime

It's finally here..the days we've all been waiting for, summer
We get to waste our days sun bathing and swimming with good friends. There's nothing like summer! 
Makes me wish I was at the beach...

much love, 