Saturday, December 3, 2011

The Most Wonderful Time of the Year

It's here again!! Christmas is just around the corner. There is an almost tangible change in the atmosphere as December rolls around. Black Friday kicked off the holiday shopping season and now stores are packed pretty much everyday as people rush to find good deals for their loved ones! The radio stations are playing 24/7 Christmas music now and kids are beginning the countdown for the night Santa comes! Family is coming into town from far away and Christmas trees are being put up and decorated. I think one of the best things about Christmas is that when you walk down the street at night it's not very dark because everyone has their lights up!  One of my favorite things to do at this time of year is drive around to see all of the crazy lights and decorations people put up! It's ridiculous how much effort some people put into it, but it makes for a good show! There's nothing like coming home to the smell of pine needles and warm cookies. I am ready for the holiday craziness! Merry Christmas everyone! :) 

Much love,